
One week Till Christmas - Fast fun family board game

Created by VivaLaGames

A competitive 2 to 4 players area control Christmas themed board game

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update #4 Event deck - reached
about 2 years ago – Thu, Jan 05, 2023 at 10:08:17 PM


First thing - thanks to you we have reached another stretch goal.

This stretch goal unlocks new addition to our game in form of Event deck.

Its an optional game mode in which you draw new card every turn and that card adds an alternative rule that is in play only on that round.

We are currently preparing graphics for it and we will share it with you as soon as we can.

This stretch goal will be added to every ordered game for FREE!

Now to answer questions about changes from last update, mainly about minifigures.

Most important info:

If you don't buy any of the figure addons, you will still get 4 standing elves and Santa mini for free with your game.

If you going to buy any of the figure addon packs, the price you see, was calculated without those 4 elves and Santa (as you are getting them for free).

We made a mistake when we listed those 4 elves and Santa to figure packs.

The meaning of this was to inform you, that all those figures will come in one packege and we want to apologise for this confusion it caused.


Few of you bought more than one miniature addon packs, you are still getting all of the figures for same price. 

Few questions was about why there is price difference in different figures.

This is mostly caused because elves on the trains are printed as two separate figures (cause we must to print the train and elf as separate pieces with pin to put them together, and to make them easier to paint and easier and more detailed to print).

Therefore in sense of number of printed pieces, theres not just 8 figures for base game, but 12.

As we are writing this update we are getting even closer to the next stretch goal, brand new team to the game which theme will you choose in poll.

and now... check out this other amazing project WE DEFINITELY LIKE!


Get you copy of this wonderful Pirate themed card game that is 300% funded! Do you like fast, interactive, portable and gorgeous illustrated games? Well, then this is for you! Cannonades can be explained to friends in 30 seconds and you can start playing the game right away, but finding and developing a strategy to have the upper hand might not be so easy! Let’s take a look here:

Update #3 VOTE RESULT + Changes
about 2 years ago – Thu, Jan 05, 2023 at 10:15:08 AM


In the last update we presented you with poll about possibility of changing the stretch goals.

And we have some results to share with you:

Most of you picked the option 1 (76%) - Change the structure of stretch goals (keep already reached ones). We will put away rest of the figures from stretch goals and exchange them with small expansions, like event deck which was way too far in the original goals. Figures then will be available as addon.

So, based on option 1 we have changed the stretch goals structure, while keeping the reached one.

And here is the new structure.

The fact is that not a single one of you voted for option 3 (to keep everything as it was). Thanks to that we are feeling that this is the right decision and decision that you really want.

Rest of the figures are now available as addons.

In the next three days, you can get your figure packs with discounted price: 22€ (from original price of 30€).

Buying the figure packs doesn't change the shipping prices

Each figure pack price is the final price (reduced by unlocked stretch goal)

How to add addon if you are already backer: 

1. Go to  our page

2. Manage

3.Manage your pledge

4. Edit reward

5. Choose your pledge 

6. Choose your addon - push add - continue - confirm

Thank you 

Nikita And Pexo

VivaLaGames Team

Update #2
about 2 years ago – Fri, Dec 30, 2022 at 12:27:27 AM


We have a few news for you!

First thing: One week till Christmas will be not only available at Tabletop Simulator, but we are preparing our game to be available at Tabletopia too!

To be able to answer you more quickly and for you to reach us easier, we added new form of contacting us through direct chat here:

Few people contacted us, that we are missing the option to buy more than one game. This option is now available in addons section.

Via this option, we will not be charging shipping per box but we will be charging it based on the weight of the whole package we will be sending.

Then few of you wanted to be able to buy extra packs of figures. We added this option as addon too. 

Now the harder part:

This is our first campaign and it seems like during the setting of our stretch goals we have been a little too optimistic.

Because of this situations we have few practical problems.

For example: what if we reach only half of the figures through stretch goals, and then half of the figures will be missing?

We don't want to just change anything and we don't want to send you uncomplete game, but we wanted to hear your opinion, because we have few options how to solve it, and you should know about them.

Here are the options :

1. Change the structure of stretch goals (keep already reached ones). We will put away rest of the figures from stretch goals and exchange them with small expansions, like event deck which was way too far in the original goals. Figures then will be available as addon. 

2. Same as the first one. But keep the already reached stretch goal AND the current next unreched one. 

Then change everything else as in first option. 

3. Don't change anything

You can vote in our Facebook group: , so please let us know which option you like the most.

You can vote till the end of the year and then we will do the change that was voted the most.

1st Stretch Goal UNLOCKED!!!
about 2 years ago – Tue, Dec 27, 2022 at 02:38:38 AM


Happy holiday to you!

We are so happy to share this information with you. We just passed our first STRETCH GOAL!

That means - every ordered game, you get with these beautiful minifigures for FREE!

Of course that includes orders created before passing this goal too.

Thank you so much and enjoy this wonderful holidays 

We know that success of every campaign is in its community, and so, please, if you want to help spread the word about our game, we will thankful for every share.

Nikita and Pexo

VivaLaGames team

Funded in 2 hours, over 200% in 24hours
about 2 years ago – Wed, Dec 21, 2022 at 11:06:09 AM

Greetings One week till Christmas Community!

What can we say? Thank you so much for your support at the start of this amazing adventure!

First project, you are humbly watching the screen and asking: will someone pledge? Imagine all that hard work beyond it and you just hope that someone will like it.

BOOM project went live and then WOW!, in two HOURS you are funded. Our dream is to leave our day jobs and work all the time to bring you the best game experience that board gamers deserve.  Thanks to your help, we are closer to our dream and you are closer to the game, that you will (as we hope) love and it will make you happy (and sometimes angry :D ).  

For more info we have also our private FB group : here

If you have any ideas what to improve, what to add, pls feel free to reach us. 

Thank you for your support

Pexo & Nikita

and now... check out this other amazing project WE DEFINITELY LOVE!

ENHANCED - A Cyberpunk Graphic Novel 

Get your exclusive copy of this groundbreaking Cyberpunk Graphic Novel that raised more than 42K $ on Kickstarter right now! With gorgeous art, epic worlds and characters delving deep into a metropolis bustling with riots, a young detective is after three dangerous replicants that have kidnapped their creator and his daughter. Fans of Ghost in a Shell / Edge Runners / Akira will love THIS